Freelancing is coming up with one of the booming up career option these days. On could easily sit up on the best possible chair and in the best possible relaxing mode in ones home. And perform the task for monetizing him. Cool ,isn’t it?
Freelancing allows you to perform the task of your interest , the time of your interest and the money of your interest. What a much flexibility could one ask for more?
I had been through one of these experiences recently and I want to share it with you.
Different categories under Freelancing
Of one those topics, I want to write about the content writing. It is also one of the task of freelancing . Some others are video editing , photo editing , data entry , Virtual Assistant etc. I had been to one of the websites called , I had the opportunity to go through the intern topics . The various companies posting advertisement and searching for intern for their benefits in and a amount of money in return. The applicant chooses the task based up upon his skills.
I am very fond of content writing. So I searched a handful of companies , which could pay well . So I went through their articles . Nonetheless , to my disarray, the one thing I found common in the 95% of the companies was that they were looking for the one having profeciency in English.
I was all up the previous night thinking about the same .
Challenges being a Freelancer in India
We live in India , a third world country. A country where 191 differently spoken languages and dialects used by the people to express themselves. Of which 22 are recognised by the constitution. On them , English , is not included . English , is the second language , or , the foreigners’ language.
A great person once said if you want to break the culture of a country , you don’t have to move big rocks , just impose your language on that country. And yet here we are , of the population racing over 135 millions , how much of them could easily connect to the soul of country. The government of the country , the working of the country , and provide their contribution in the economy of the country actively.
Isn’t is the language barrier which cut off a large chunk of massive population who we so call the weaker section. And indulge them to find it so hard to coup with their day to day activities?
Is it not true that had it not been the language barrier , they could have easily participated in the government activities , and provide their share of contribution?
5 start-up ideas that boomed the market
Use of Local languages to convey message accurately
We should quote the example of China , where , Mandarin , and not any other foreign language , is their national language and we very well know how it’s economy is ruling over the other economies of the world. It would be no wonder for me that both the language and their sincerity combined , we are going to see the next world leader very soon.
It is our bad fate that a child , a teenage , a young , a adult and a veteran find it so hard. To comply with the English language and rendering his rest of the years in toil, knowing that he could have proven better if otherwise. I had personally seen energetic youth of India spending their productive years on clear just a government exam. Which is just not fit for those who make grammatical errors in English. It’s a red blood tear coming out of the heart that I , as a citizen of India , has to observe. The main purpose for a language to serve was to express oneself , not to judge of evaluate anyone.
Take this content writing for an instance. As the proficiency in Hindi , I know the people who are very verse equipped with the proficiency in Indian language. But couldn’t find their place enough to fit, and struggling for their ends meet. There is forcefulness , for the employer , I know , for their are many other unsaid limitations, that the demands of the clients whatsoever. Are the limitations are not meant for challenged for better?
Writer’s perspective
As a writer of this article , I just want to see my country thriving and it’s children prosperous. I don’t want to create any type of thought conflict nor any upbringing but a sparkle in thought, a consideration, I do want to see , that’s for sure. With this platform of Aware Earth, I want to convey my view that the situation would be much better. If we just pull of the foreigners’ language and just use our own language. The change will be evident for sure.