Madam Secretary Season 7: Madam Secretary is political thriller drama series that follows Elizabeth McCord, played by Tea Leone, who is appointed by the President to be Secretary State of the United States. This show premiered on CBS in 2014 and for years captured the hearts of Americans and audiences around the world with its gripping storyline, talented cast and, sharp script.
It successfully ran for six seasons giving its audience great performances and a fair depiction of the inner workings of the US government. People now wait in great anticipation and wonder will there be a season seven and when will its release date be announced.
Will, there be a season 7 of Madam Secretary? – Madam Secretary Season 7
Season 6 of the show premiered on CBS on October 6, 2019. The show aired 10 episodes for the season; this is where we see our lead character Elizabeth McCord settling into her new role as the president. At the end of the season, we are shown Elizabeth kissing her husband as the townsman cheer them on in the background as they ride off on a train. As the episode progresses we them passing through the Equal rights Amendments as they make appearances in small towns.
The members of the World Cup Champions U.S women soccer team made a special appearance on the show and we see Elizabeth joining them in the campaign that she is running. Not to mention the celebration of love between Stieve, Elizabeth’s daughter, and her beloved Dimitri Petrov, by having a wedding. This episode served as a bow to the storylines of the show, giving us a conclusion to the long-running show.
CBS’s Entertainment president Kelly Kahl gave a hint on the ending of the show before the premiere of season six saying that “it is hard when a show when a poof goes away, we like to be able to do this and send the show off with a great deal of respect and celebration. Indicating that indeed the show has come to an end”. The lead actress took to her Twitter saying “The last episode of #MademSecretary airs tonight. My deepest thanks to everyone who watched the show, for your incredible generosity and enthusiasm, it has been an honor to make it for you. xoxten” expressing how grateful she is.
Will, there be a spinoff? -Madam Secretary Season 7
There are no clear reasons as to why it was decided to finally stop the show from airing. They may have simply decided to wrap up the story, but there are a few speculations, that the decline of the rating of the show has something to do with it. The season six ratings were down by 23% with 4.25 million views compared to season five.
So quite frankly the odds were not in Madam Secretary’s favor and the ending was inevitable. The fans of the show were disappointed and stated on their social media how they wanted a spinoff of the show, possible named “Madam President” exploring the life of Elizabeth as now President of the United States.
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