Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones
Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones

South Carolina Amphitheater to Be renamed in honour of Sharon jones


Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones

The city council of South Carolina, north Augusta  voted without any opposition to name a new riverside village amphitheater after Sharon jones. This powerful soul singer died in 2016 because of pancreatic cancer.

Riverside village amphitheater soon will be renamed as The Sharon jones amphitheater.Sharon’s family was present in council hearing and delighted with this unanimous decision.

Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones
Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones

Idea of Renaming:

Amphitheatre renamed after Sharon jones after columnist and veteran journalist Don Rhodes began talking about this idea in his column. Don Rhodes was also a good friend of late singer for years. Rhodes kept talking about this whole Renaming idea in his column. Finally grabbed current mayor Robert pettit’s attention. “I kept harping on him Said Rhodes.There was Not a single public park or building in North Augusta that were named after black citizens. And no one in North Augusta has more fame than Her. so Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones is the right thing to do

Mayor Robert pettit’s take On whole renaming Idea:

pettit admitted that jones might not have topped the music charts. But she was known and they have also made an effort and talked about this enough so people were aware of Sharon and her ideas.

What relation Sharon jones have with South Carolina:

However  jones spent large part of her life in New York ,she was born in Georgia and lived in North Augusta South Carolina for first three years of her life. Which small city has like 23000 people had changed since jones early days. Where they have to face a lot of black remarks.

what Sharon’s family has to say about Renaming :

while talking with Rolling Stones Sharon’s sister said :”Sharon would be surprised”.
she also reveal that they didn’t live far from the amphitheatre.and their father used to walk down to the river with them, Back then in the place of amphitheater there was nothing but trees and the rivers she added.

Amphitheater renamed after Sharon jones is but of a news we wants to hear amid this stressful Election period. Late Sharon jones will be the first black citizen in South Carolina to have a public place after her name.