Elon Musk Unveiled a pig with a computer implant in the brain, the name of the pig is “Gertrude”. Musk claims that the pig has had the implant for 2 months and is healthy and happy. He unveiled the experiment during a Livestream event to recruit workers for his neuroscience startup-Neuralink.
Elon Musk describes the implant as Fitbit in your brain with tiny wires. Which is really interesting. It is the most interesting thing I have ever heard of. It might be the most interesting thing even you may have heard of it after you read what it can do. Musk also claims that it can be removed without any problem, and as proof shows us another pig “Dorothy”. He claims that Dorothy had an implant that was removed, not long ago and has shown no change in behavior or health. The pig has been happy and healthy since.
Musk wanted to create a wireless brain-machine interface and hence co-founded Neuralink in 2016. If any of you readers are scientists or engineers you can apply for a job in Neuralink, and if you get lucky you might get a chance to work with Elon Musk. If any of you do apply, I wish you the best of luck.
Musk also tells us how the device would be installed in the human brain. He showed a design where the device will implant in the brain by a surgical robot under local anesthesia.
How it will work?
Neuroscientists have done a few human trials with people who have lost control of certain parts of their bodies. So far, they were successful in moving robotic limbs and small objects, computer mouse. But, more sophisticated tests are yet to be done.
If you ask me, this is a whole new level of crazy and interesting, I mean, you have to be crazy to be successful. If you do not think that the impossible can be possible how will you ever make it possible. Elon Musk is a person to take inspiration from. He is not one of those who sit around and just enjoy their money. During his days of struggle with SpaceX and Tesla, he used work 120 hours a week and ended up sleeping on the floor of his factory.
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