Google Faces UK Scrutiny:
Google Faces UK Scrutiny Over New Advertising Revamp. The tech giant’s competitors complained to the UK watchdog. Because this new technology called privacy sandbox would make Google stronger in terms of market dominance. Google already has market dominance over search engines and this means sensitive data capture. This also means great economic power.
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Google Under Scrutiny
What is the new technology:
According to the new technology, Google will remove third party cookies. Google will control processes such as logging in, ads, other features, etc. The competitors of Google allege that it may misuse this sensitive data. The competition and Market authority confirms that it received the complaint.
Apple, Group M:
Other tech giants such as Apple and Advertising giants such as Group M have raised the complaint. Law should take into consideration the fact that these companies are Google’s biggest rivals. No unwanted edge should be given to any of these companies.
Corona :
Because of the corona, there is an economic slowdown and this recession brings out the tougher competitive side of people and firms. As a result, everyone wants to capture the market. Hence tech giants like Apple, Group M, and Google are fighting for a piece of the market share.
Meanwhile more news on Corona:
The pilgrim’s arrival in America is a huge festival. However this year all plans are flop because of the Corona, quarantine, and death toll. The goal of this festival to include all culturally diverse groups. Some of the tribes have made artwork that depicts the first thanksgiving. The tribe and pilgrims had a pact and this was destroyed in the world war. However, the tradition of Thanksgiving dinner continues for peace.
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