How did Fall Guys become so popular?
Fall Guys, released in August of 2020, has become massively popular on the internet. It even rivals Fortnite currently in a top grossing battle royale. Many people on the internet and otherwise have wondered and asked the same question. Why is Fall Guys so popular?
Many people find the answer as soon as they play their first round. Because of its fun charm and its easy to tackle controls. Everyone from a child to an adult can play Fall Guys. With its cute looks, simple idea, and fun stages, the game brings to life a sort of childish joy that many adults miss. Additionally, the concept of playing with your friends is an idea that has since been lost to most adults. Therefore, bringing the two themes from childhood back together is something that makes Fall Guys so special. Nothing from Fall Guys is gritty, dark or brooding. A game full of happy colors, sounds and characters is sure to make audiences flock to it if given the chance.
Is Fall Guys pay to win?
While Fall Guys may have micro-transactions, none of the paid content helps a player win or lose. All items that can be bought are simply cosmetic in nature. No powreups, no major paywalls, and no unhappy fans by the looks of it.
Who made Fall Guys?
The game is made by Mediatonic and published by Devolver Digital. It was initially announced in June of 2019, and launched in the beginning of August 2020. Despite being a new game, already hacks and exploits exist on the internet. You can find examples and demonstrations of these – fall guys hack.
How many active players does Fall Guys have?
According to PushSquare, Fall Guys nearly has 16 million players as of August, and that is just the active count. Many more players could be inactive. On August 8th and 9th, over 100,000 players were attempting to play Fall Guys. Massive player count meant a hard time for the servers, but they quickly bounced back as the weekend ended. With the game’s premise of a Battle Royale style of item-hunting, the game is sure to endure, maybe even thrive, as it blasts beyond it’s current Season One. It’s no wonder at this point why Fall Guys is so popular, the numbers don’t lie.
How tall are the Fall Guys?
According to the developers, the Fall Guys we play as are around six feet tall. Initially thought to be as small as the beans they resemble, they are much larger than fans anticipated. Still, fans mostly agree that these large Fall Guys are still adorable and make the game all the more charming to play.
What consoles are Fall Guys on?
Fall Guys is currently on the PS4 and on Steam. However, the developers have displayed a major interest in releasing the game to other consoles. Many names have been dropped, such as the Nintendo Switch or Xbox, or possibly the next generation equivalents. However, many believe a transfer to these consoles might take a significant amount of time. For example, Rocket League similarly released for PS4 and PC in 2016, and didn’t reach the Switch until nearly a year or more later.
To see more discussion of when and where Fall Guys may drop next, nintendo switch
There even seem to be hesitant rumors about a mobile game making an approach later this year.
How much money did Fall Guys make?
It is estimated that the game has generated more than $130 million during its first month. This price is on the sales of the game alone, and not on dlc or other purchases. This means that it is safe to say that more than 140 million has been made from Fall Guys, when in game purchases are included.
What devices is Fall Guys on?
Currently, Fall Guys is only on PC and PS4, although many think it will spread to other consoles soon. Many players rumor that it will be releasing for mobile and Nintendo Switch due to the colorful and all-ages nature of the title, as well as the simplicity of controls. Others reason that it may release on Xbox due to its release on a major console, the PS4. Only time will tell however, as Mediatonic currently is working on Season 2, which is set to launch in October of 2020.