Marvel Comics’ current Sins of Sinister event sees Storm take on the role of antagonist to Mr. Sinister’s evil X-Men. To fit her new persona, she has undergone a Magneto-themed makeover. The same can be said of Arakko, which has also transformed in a Magneto-like manner, becoming the last stronghold against Sinister’s control over the world, as well as the resistance base for Storm and the Brotherhood.
Storm’s new Magneto-themed makeover isn’t the only transformation that’s taken place. Arakko has also undergone a similar Magneto-style transformation, becoming the resistance base for Storm and the Brotherhood, and the last bastion against Sinister’s control over the world.
The comparisons between Asteroid S and Magneto’s infamous base of operations, Asteroid M, are immediate and obvious. Both bases have undergone destruction and reconstruction throughout their histories, serving as a symbol of Magneto’s ambitions for mutantkind.
The story of Arakko has foreshadowed Storm’s role as the leader of the Brotherhood. Her growing relationship with Magneto has played a significant role in her transformation. Now, with Magneto’s passing, she has fully embraced her new role and the mantle of the new Magneto. In fact, the classic “villain” makeover, complete with Magneto’s helmet and bracketed cape, serves as a visual representation of her new status. With her terrifying powers and electromagnetic leanings, Storm is a formidable opponent to the X-Men, standing against everything they strive for.
Storm’s Magneto-Themed Makeover
Over the years, Asteroid M, Magneto’s infamous base of operations, has undergone destruction and reconstruction. As a classic “villain’s lair,” it represents Magneto’s ambitions for mutantkind. Not only is it an embodiment of Magneto’s legacy, but it has also featured in various X-Men media, emphasizing its cultural significance to the franchise.
Storm’s Asteroid S bears similarities to Asteroid M, with rounded architecture. Additionally, she dons Magneto’s helmet and bracketed cape, albeit in her silver and black colors. While the helmet is a logical choice for its telepathy-blocking capabilities, the cape emphasizes her new role as the new Magneto.
Storm’s Role as the New Magneto
As the story of Arakko progresses, the relationship between Storm and Magneto grows, culminating in the latter’s demise. This foreshadows Storm’s eventual role as the leader of the Brotherhood. Now, in the face of Mr. Sinister’s usurpation of the X-Men, Storm stands as the perfect inversion of Magneto’s original role. With her terrifying powers and similar electromagnetic leanings, she is in direct opposition to everything that the X-Men stand for. As a result, she has now stepped into the void left by Magneto’s passing. She completed her transformation into the new Magneto with her classic “villain” makeover.
The Sins of Sinister event has turned Storm into the new Magneto, complete with a Magneto-themed makeover. Arakko has also undergone a similar transformation. Arakko serves as the resistance base for the Brotherhood and the last bastion against Sinister’s control over the world. Storm leads the few surviving mutants from her base atop a floating remnant of her former planet, planning her resistance against the X-Men from her newly renamed base, Asteroid S. The new status quo is quickly established in Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1, written by Al Ewing and illustrated by Paco Medina and Jay David Ramos. While the comparison to Magneto’s villainous legacy is apparent, Storm’s role as the new Magneto is a perfect inversion of his original role, as she stands against everything the X-Men represent.
Also read: X-Men series: How to watch the X-Men Series in order (Or by release date if you’re a freak)
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