Yona of the dawn season 2
yona of the dawn

Yona of the Dawn Season 2 : Confirmed ! Release Date , Cast , Plot , Storyline and more

Yona of the Dawn Season 2 : Confirmed ! Release Date , Cast , Plot , Storyline and more

yona of the dawn

Yona of the Dawn is a Japanese anime (manga) series .It is based on a manga which was written about a decade ago . It is an adventure fiction series released with 24 episodes .Its first episode launched on 7th October 2014.This fantasy series is created by Kazuhiro Yoneda .Along with that Kunihiko Ryo composed the music and Shinichi Inotsume has written the story .The main characters of the series are Yona , Son Hak , Yun and Su-won .

The first season of the series follows the story of a princess named Yona (protagonist) who along with her bodyguard is thrown out from her castle. This takes place after Yona’s cousin kills her father .Later , it is shown how both of them go on an adventurous journey in order to reclaim the empire . To do so , they are required to find four legendary dragons .

Due to the rollercoaster ride that the series takes its viewers on ,it has become a hit immediately !!

Since the end of Season 1 of Yona of the Dawn , fans have been waiting eagerly for the next season .Here is all that you need to know about Yona of the Dawn Season 2 ..

Review of the Yona of the Dawn Series

According to reelrundown.com “My verdict is that Yona of the Dawn, while certainly flawed, is nevertheless essential viewing for fans of fantasy anime. This is a title that would feel right at home in a classic Toonami anime line-up, so if, like me, you grew up watching anime around that time, then this is a series that should tickle that itch you may have been scratching. The kinda-sorta-Korean setting is engrossing, the story’s plenty of fun to go through, and the characters are immensely worthwhile to become invested in, and I was left starving for more. If you’ve got the means to see it, and any of this sounds remotely interesting, then you owe it to yourself to check this series out. After all, like I said, you don’t see straight-up fantasy series like this much anymore.

Final Score: 8 out of 10. Yona of the Dawn excels in delivering a familiar, yet unpredictable, story in a unique setting populated by a treasure trove of lovable characters, but it does bear mentioning that the journey has a rocky start and an incomplete end that sour the experience a little bit.”

To read some more reviews :-click here


Release Date of Yona of the Dawn season 2

Till now , there has been no official announcement regarding the release date of Yona of the Dawn Season 2 .But lately , the main creator Mizuko Kusanagi took to Twitter to inform that the Yona of the Dawn Season 2’s filmimg has been stopped by the production team . This is due to the massive earthquakes hitting the region .Along with that we have a pandemic ongoing worldwide . No further updates are given .Still , it is being assumed that fans would be hearing the official announcement by the end of this year . Accordingly , the Season 2 of the series is expected to be releasing next year .

Yona of the Dawn Season 2’s Cast

As mentioned earlier the four main characters will continue to be present in the second season .No further updates are available regarding the cast of season 2 of Yona of the Dawn .

Below there are a brief charactersketches of the four main characters available

Yona – The protagonist of the series . She is the daughter of the King of Kouka .Until her father is murdered she has lived a life under shelter .But after King’s death she was chased out of the castle .Then later while on her journey to reclaim the kingdom ,she changes into a strong and independent women .

Son Hak –  He is the bodyguard of princess Yona and also a good friend .He is also chased out of the castle along with princess after king’s death . He is said to be a great warrior .

Yun –  He is a genius born in Fire Tribe .He is Ik-su’s assistant as he was taken in by him . He has the ability of healing .He also becomes a part of princess Yona’s group.

Su -won– King of Kouka’s murderer and princess Yona’s cousin .He killed the king for acquiring the throne . Due to his deeds he is shown to be a ruthless person .He is the one who throws Yona and Hak out of the castle .

To know about more characters click here

Plot of Yona of the Dawn Season 2

As told earlier there is no statement regarding the release of Season 2 of the series . Hence , no predictions are made regarding the plot of Season 2 of Yona of the Dawn ..Fans are being told to keep calm and wait for the official announcement .


Storyline of Yona of the Dawn Series

The story of the series revolves around dragons and human beings .It is shown that humans don’t have powers and there are many who are poor .While , on the other hand dragons are shown to be fierce and powerful .This shows that dragons could easily defeat humans . Still it was seen that the dragons were defeated . Later on , there were four dragons who had ability to control four elements of atmosphere namely water , fire , sky and earth . Taking advantage of these abilities they caused huge destruction to Humans .

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1 Comment

  1. Eliane79

    🙀😻😆🤣😝🎊 AKATSUKE NO YONA, Season 2, CONFIRMAD! 🎊🙆🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️💃🏽🇦🇴🎆🎇🍾🥂😆😜🙈🙉🙊😻😂🤣🎉
    “My favorite words in the Anime world, 🙌🏽season confirmed🙌🏽”!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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