ISS Detect blue lightning through European ASIM
ISS Detect blue lightning through European ASIM Image credit: Daily Mail

International space station (ISS)Astronauts Detect Blue Lighting Through European ASIM

ISS Detect blue lightning :

Astronauts of ISS detect blue lighting from clouds to the stratosphere. They have detected 5 blue lights shooting up right from clouds that create thunderstorms directly 50 Km above the earth’s surface i.e, stratosphere. However, each 5 of blue lighting’s only lasted for 10 milliseconds or less.

Let’s find out more details on How ISS Detect blue lightning and what else they discovered apart from blue lightning.

What Astronauts has reported so far?

Apart from ISS Detect blue lightning, the team has reported that Jets of this blue lightning shoots upward from the cloud that creates thunderstorms. Scientists have been discovered using an instrument. As per Reports.

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The instrument used is ASIM (Atmosphere-space interactions Monitor), this great discovery noted at pacific island’s cloud. As Mentioned earlier this blue lightning travels up to 50 km (31 miles) above the earth’s surface to last only for less than a second.

As stated, ISS Detect blue lightning only lasts for some milliseconds, this phenomenon is one of the most difficult to capture but the International space station(ISS) managed to get this perfect view of lightning. Therefore it is one of the historical moments for them.

Significance of Detecting blue lightning :

We say, we belong to a modern era but still, there are many things in the universe which we don’t really know as a human. Some discoveries are in progress and some are yet to be covered. But the most common yet most mysterious phenomenon that we know, and we don’t really know is “Origin of lightning”. This might sound shocking to many but yes, it is unknown yet.

ISS Detect blue lightning through European ASIM
ISS Detect blue lightning through European ASIM

So, This discovery will surely help in finding the Origin of lightning as ISS Detect blue lightning through European ASIM. Many theories and be also unveiled through these discoveries.

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Highlights :

  • ISS Detect blue lightning, the team has reported that Jets of this blue lightning shoots upward from the cloud that creates thunderstorms.
  • Astronauts Detected blue lightning through European ASIM. Many theories and be also unveiled through these discoveries.
  • This discovery will surely help in finding the Origin of lightning And more phenomenon.


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